Sunday, December 16, 2007

picture website

My wedding pictures can be viewed here

I hope they all come out looking as good as she did!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Let me try to post a picture:

This is us just after exchanging our vows.

My beautiful bride!

I'm SO lucky to have this wonderful woman as my wife! Even though I had to practically force her into that gown, it was worth the effort. Even SHE agrees that although she never thought of herself in a wedding gown, she looked gorgeous and everyone knows it! I was proud to stand beside her and dedicate myself to her forever.

Now, how do I get her onto my truck???

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Wedding Bells

On November 24, 2007, I wed my sweetheart, Mary Ramirez, in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Flamingo Hotel.

The event was attended by only a few guests and the reception was held in our suite at the Hilton Grand Vacations. The honeymoon is deferred until the summer when we will be taking a cruise to somewhere or other. Great at planning, ain't I??

I will post a pic as soon as I get the CD from the Wife.

Jelly Bean

Friday, November 9, 2007

I'm still around

Did you miss me? Didn't think so.

Well, my first student finished his training period and is now in command of his own truck and by all accounts is doing well. I had a second student but he got off the truckk after only one week to settle problems at home near Dallas TX. I am currently running Green Bay WI to Vancouver WA, sitting at the Space Age truck stop in I84 in Oregon, will deliver my load in three hours (early) and then will pick up student driver number three in Portland.

His first load will be a doozy: Portland to San Diego via I-5. The mess at the base of The Grapevine where many vehicles crashed and burned in the southbound truck tunnel will challenge him, as will the ever-present traffic jam in Los Angeles. I can only speculate on the continued existence of my drop yard in San Diego after the wildfires swept through. Time will tell!

In other news, my marriage to my sweetheart is on track. She is going nuts planning the event by herself (I am not much help, unfortunately). But most of the big things are nailed down and paid for. The sole exception is the reception, which is being changed daily as she finds a "better" venue. I personally plumped for Golden Corral, a buffet chain, but she won't hear of it.

I will post a few photos of the wedding in early December so stay tuned!

Anyone know a nice, safe place in Las Vegas where I can park a bobtail for the Thanksgiving holiday? I'm not sure I can trust our drop yard there.

I will post again when I can!

Friday, September 14, 2007

New responsibilities

As of today, September 14, 2007, I am a certified trainer with my very first student driver.

This is an odd sensation...being driven in my own truck! By someone who is taking his FIRST turn behind the wheel of a real truck. Have I lost my mind??? Possibly, the jury is still deliberating!

My student is doing quite well for his first day. He managed to back into a dock that would challenge ANY driver with minimal help from me and get it right. He also drove from Toledo OH to Brookfield, PA without any serious trouble. He shifted up smoothly-ish. He stays in his lane and doesn't wander (much). He's courteous and patient. His downshifting meeds polishing but what do you expect from his first time? He didn't grind TOO badly, didn't freewheel but once, kept control at all times and managed to park at the T/A without taking any mirrors with him.

Tomorrow he will finish the trip to Dayton, NJ. I intend to let him drive as much as possible without compromising safety. Soon he will be cleared to drive after midnight and we will begin driving as a team. Even this early, I think I will be able to sleep behind him. More updates as they come.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The road to Indy

OK. I am on my way to Indianapolis. I am going there because I have taken leave of my senses. I am going to begin training new drivers!

Yes, that's right. Two whole years of experience and I'm teaching new guys to drive. Not from the beginning of course, just polishing them up where needed so they have a good mentor for a few weeks. I hope I'm up for this... I hear a lot of horror stories. I'm not sure how many are embellished (truckers are great storytellers) but I tend to think there is a grain of truth behind each story.

Time will tell.

In related news, I saw my first wrong-way driver today. I76 westbound in western PA, I came upon a four-wheeler rolling east in the westbound shoulder lane. This is new on me. I've heard of course of the person who got on thee wrong way and was struck and killed (usually) head-on but I never saw one BEFORE the end result. Until now.

I was talking to my sweetie soon after when I hear over the radio that the state police were Code 3 after him. Good. Unfortunately, too late. He hit another car before the bears could grab him. How do people get into these situations?

Signing off for now, I will let you know how the training thing goes!


Saturday, September 1, 2007

Home at last!

After days of trying to get a load (and deadline) that would get me home, I am finally here.

I have missed (again) my loved one's birthday. This means I have a lot of making up to do. The company has never been this late getting me home before. I know they make every effort to get me home when I ask to be but this time was the worst. Never before have I been home more than 24 hours late. Sigh. But she loves me anyway and I take comfort in that.

The dogs were, of course, thrilled to see me again. One could actually feel their happiness at seeing Daddy again! Even Junior, my pit bull, was leaping for joy. I know he misses being on the truck with me but he's happier at home with Google, my wife's mini poodle and her two cats. He gets a lot more exercise running after the poodle and occasionally the cat, who just ASKS for it by taking off running in front of a dog.

Anyway, I have people to meet and things to do, no rest for the wicked here!

See you after Labor Day!

Jelly Bean

Friday, August 17, 2007


Hey, you. Yes, you! In the compact pickup!

I hate to break this to you, but you are NOT driving a truck. No, I don't care what the salesman told you and I don't care what the sticker said. Pickups are NOT trucks!

Therefore, truck speed limits DO NOT apply to you. It is quite safe for you to pick up the pace.

And for Pete's sake, stay out of the scale houses. Those are only for big trucks.

Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

I hate Los Angeles

I'm sure that most of my fellow truckers feel the same way. I took a load from Socorro TX to Bell CA. I didn't think to look up Bell's location before I accepted the load. My fault. So I took it since I know the customer and they are good with us, allowing us to park overnight and being friendly.

So, I arrive at 1930 local time. Customer is closed, naturally. So I dock the truck where I think it should go, duck behind the dumpster to, well, you know and then turn in for the night. I get woken up at 0530 by the night watchman who just noticed me there. He tells me to move over one door since the door I am in belongs to the company next door. So I fire her up, take twenty minutes to move over one spot (parking lot is small and tight and I drive a Pete 379) and go back to sleep. They unload me thirty minutes before my appointment (told you I like this customer) and get me on my way. Fifteen miles to the next load which goes to Merced. Then up to Stockton for another load, which is going to Palestine TX. WooHoo! Finally some really good miles! 1778 of them.

I am supposed to be there by midnight Sunday but I think I won't make it until Monday morning. I hope they will accept the load then. I plan to call dispatch tomorrow to see if there is a window for delivery or if we need a new appointment.

I am already looking forward to getting home this month. I will be there for my sweetie's birthday since I missed it last year. I love her and I miss her!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hello out there!

This is my first blog. I'm new to blogging so please bear with me.

I am a long haul trucker, I see it ALL from up here. I have been encouraged to share my views and feelings with the world and I finally got up the nerve to do it.

Anyway, I'll be off soon, but I will fill you in on my Life Behind the Wheel!

Pictures will be available as soon as I buy a new digital camera. My last one did not survive the recent move to Texas.