Thursday, March 20, 2008

I'm still out here!

I forgot my password so I've been guessing for a while now. It has taken me this long to discover the "lost password" link. I'm too old!

Anyway, I'm still training new drivers and except for a minor casualty to a ConWay mirror, accident-free. I suppose I've been lucky so far, judging by the horror stories told by other trainers. Stories of wrecked trucks, getting hopelessly lost in nowhere, one told of a student that went trucking down a dirt road and didn't ask for help until he ended up at a campsite ten miles downroad. And having to back it up all that way at night. Tall tale or truth? You decide.

I have been using a Garmin GPS for a while now and I must say it has helped quite a bit, as long as you think it through first. It has tried to run me under an 11' 0" bridge in Memphis and once got me into a car-only (not marked as such) rest area in Vancouver, WA; forcing me to back out with police help. No ticket, either!

My sweetie and I have been getting along famously since our marriage in November. She has been amazingly understanding about my extended absences and enjoys our limited time together to the fullest.

We're now looking to buy a nice house somewhere in El Paso, pictures when we finally decide on one. Thus far, we've made two offers on two houses but both have had serious problems that were pointed out during the inspection. One needed around $30,000 worth of repairs and upgrades and the second needed over $50,000 just to bring it up to code so it can be sold. We kept looking. Next time I'm home we will look at a few more that look good on paper. Fingers crossed!

In recent news, I adopted a Weimaraner pup from a truck stop in Ohio. He was so cute I couldn't resist. His name is Toby "Scooter" McGee. This is a picture of him when I adopted him.

Ain't he cute? He has been neutered since this was taken and he is doing well. He has taken the #2 spot in the pack, much to the chagrin of the Miniature Poodle, Google. Junior is still the King of the castle (at least until *I* get home) and has had little trouble keeping the new guy in his place; namely, out of his food bowl. Toby will be going to obediance classes soon, to help my beloved learn to handle such an active dog.

More posts as they come!

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