Monday, June 23, 2008

New Additions to our Canine Family

Please welcome Dog 1 through 4, born today to our Shih-Tzu, Princess Buttercup (the wife named that one).

Sunday, June 8, 2008

News Update

I have left the Company. This was not a bad thing, it was mutual. Big Brother was hiding on my truck and I didn't like it. Too many non-driver-oriented rules and policies coming out, miles not there anymore, etc etc etc.

Same old story.

Anyway, I am pursuing more local jobs; jobs that will allow me to spend more time with my beloved wife, four (FOUR!) doggies, two cats (even though I'm not a cat person) and friends. Also, we've moved into a house that needs more than a little work to make it livable. New windows, carpets removed, new outside doors and industrial-type air conditioning are needed. We've already begun remodeling the kitchen with new cabinets and appliances, flooring will come shortly after the cabinets are installed. I want to knock out two isn't a problem but the other is a load-bearing wall and I don't want to start cutting without a professional carpenter to guide me. I can do without the roof collapsing.

Pictures will be along shortly, as soon as I find the digital camera in the boxes.

Take care out there!