Friday, August 17, 2007


Hey, you. Yes, you! In the compact pickup!

I hate to break this to you, but you are NOT driving a truck. No, I don't care what the salesman told you and I don't care what the sticker said. Pickups are NOT trucks!

Therefore, truck speed limits DO NOT apply to you. It is quite safe for you to pick up the pace.

And for Pete's sake, stay out of the scale houses. Those are only for big trucks.

Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

I hate Los Angeles

I'm sure that most of my fellow truckers feel the same way. I took a load from Socorro TX to Bell CA. I didn't think to look up Bell's location before I accepted the load. My fault. So I took it since I know the customer and they are good with us, allowing us to park overnight and being friendly.

So, I arrive at 1930 local time. Customer is closed, naturally. So I dock the truck where I think it should go, duck behind the dumpster to, well, you know and then turn in for the night. I get woken up at 0530 by the night watchman who just noticed me there. He tells me to move over one door since the door I am in belongs to the company next door. So I fire her up, take twenty minutes to move over one spot (parking lot is small and tight and I drive a Pete 379) and go back to sleep. They unload me thirty minutes before my appointment (told you I like this customer) and get me on my way. Fifteen miles to the next load which goes to Merced. Then up to Stockton for another load, which is going to Palestine TX. WooHoo! Finally some really good miles! 1778 of them.

I am supposed to be there by midnight Sunday but I think I won't make it until Monday morning. I hope they will accept the load then. I plan to call dispatch tomorrow to see if there is a window for delivery or if we need a new appointment.

I am already looking forward to getting home this month. I will be there for my sweetie's birthday since I missed it last year. I love her and I miss her!